Vorträge / Presentations

Invited Talks


Universität Belgrad, RS, Acting President and Temporary Presidential Succession in Europe [Watch on Vimeo]


Karls-Universität Prag, CZ, Indirect presidential elections in international comparison


University of Kent, UK, Explaining presidential activism under authoritarianism


University of Warwick, UK, Innovations in research and practice in anti-corruption


University College London, UK, The practice of research interviews in CEE

Conference and workshop presentations


Köker, Philipp, Harmening, Morten. Und wo sind die Wahlfrauen? Defizite deskriptiver Repräsentation bei der Wahl der deutschen Bundespräsidenten. Jahrestagung des DVPW AK Parteienforschung, Jena, 15. - 16. Oktober.

Köker, Philipp. Roundtable: Robert Elgie’s contributions to presidential studies: The Presidential Power Blog. APSA Annual Meeting, Online, 30. September - 3. Oktober.

Köker, Philipp, Weiher, Nele, & Schollmeyer, Anja. The gender gap in civil state decorations: New evidence from the Baltic states. UACES Annual Conference, Online, 6. - 8. September.

Köker, Philipp. & Jahnke, Paul. Beyond “Considerable Powers”: Concepts of Presidential Power in Comparative Presidential Studies. ECPR General Conference, 30. August - 3. September.

Köker, Philipp, Hönnige, Christoph & Aumann, Malte. Legislative Chamber Design, Regime Type and Democracy. IPSA World Congress, Online, 10. - 15. Juli.

Köker, Philipp. & Jahnke, Paul. Beyond “Considerable Powers”: Concepts of Presidential Power in Comparative Presidential Studies. IPSA World Congress, Online, 10. - 15. Juli.

Köker, Philipp. Signature requirements and ballot access restrictions in popular presidential elections: A global overview and analysis. Electoral Management Network Workshop, Online, 9. Juli.

Köker, Philipp & Springer, Frederik. Closeness and voter turnout in European presidential elections. EPSA Annual Conference, 24. - 25. Juni.

Köker, Philipp & Springer, Frederik. Closeness and voter turnout in European presidential elections. DVPW-Sektionstagung des AK Wahlen und politische Einstellungen, Online, 20. - 21. Mai.


Köker, Philipp. Signature requirements and ballot access restrictions in popular presidential elections: A global overview and analysis. ECPR General Conference, Online, 24. - 28. August.


Köker, Philipp. Indirect presidential elections: A global summary and comparison, 1945-2018. ECPR General Conference, Wroclaw, 4. - 7. September.

Bode, E. & Köker, Philipp. Common trends or diverging trajectories: The Austrian and French presidential elections 2016/2017 and their consequences. ECPR General Conference, Wroclaw, 4. - 7. September.

Sikk, Allan. & Köker, Philipp. Candidate Turnover and Party Policy Change in Central and Eastern Europe. APSA Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., 29. August - 1. September.

Bode, E. & Köker, Philipp. Common trends or diverging trajectories: The Austrian and French presidential elections 2016/2017 and their consequences. Norddeutsches Kolloquium der Sozialwissenschaften, Hannover, 5 Juli.

Köker, Philipp. Indirect presidential elections: A global summary and comparison, 1945-2018. EPSA Annual Conference, Belfast, 20. - 22. Juni.

Sikk, Allan. & Köker, Philipp. Candidate Turnover and Party Policy Change in Central and Eastern Europe. EPSA Annual Conference, Belfast, 20. - 22. Juni.

Köker, Philipp. The role of presidents in illiberal democracies: Hungary and Poland compared. BASEES Annual Conference, Cambridge, 31. März - 2. April.


Köker, Philipp. Why dictators veto: Legislation, legitimation and control in Kazakhstan and Russia. ECPR General Conference, Hamburg, 22. - 25. August.


Köker, Philipp. ‘Presidential veto power in post-Soviet authoritarian regimes’. BASEES Annual Conference, Cambridge, 31. März - 2. April.


Sikk, Allan. & Köker, Philipp. Electoral candidates as Difficult Political Data. Annual Conference of the Political Methodology Group of the Political Studies Association, London, 27. Juni.

Köker, Philipp. Risk or Reward: Party strategies and extra-parliamentarian electors in German presidential elections, 1949-2012. EPSA Annual Conference, Brüssel, 23. - 25. Juni.

Sikk, Allan. & Köker, Philipp. Corruption and candidate turnover in Central and Eastern Europe. PSA Annual Conference, Brighton, 21. - 23. March.


Sikk, Allan. & Köker, Philipp. Replacing the rascals? Corruption and candidate turnover in Central and Eastern Europe. ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops. Warschau, 29. März - 2. April.


Köker, Philipp. Presidential activism in Central and Eastern Europe: The question of popular elections. BASEES Annual Conference, Cambridge, 5. - 7. April.



Köker, Philipp. Predecessors and constitutions: The evolution of Central and Eastern European presidents’ perceptions of their office. ISPP Annual Meeting, Herzliya, 8. - 11. Juli.

Köker, Philipp. Presidential Activism in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE): A statistical analysis of the use of presidential vetoes in the CEE EU member states, 1990-2010. PSA Annual Conference, Cardiff, 25. - 27. März.

Köker, Philipp. The next generation: Presidential predecessors, constitutions and the evolution of incumbents’ vision of the presidency. BASEES Annual Conference, Cambridge, 5. - 8. April.


Köker, Philipp. Office, Policy or Popularity? Motivations for presidential action in parliamentary and semi- presidential systems. ISPP Annual Meeting, Chicago, 6. - 9. Juli.

Köker, Philipp. Presidential Activism in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE): A statistical analysis of the use of presidential vetoes in the CEE EU member states, 1990-2010. EPSA Annual Conference, Berlin, 21. - 23. Juni.

Engst, Benjamin G. & Köker, Philipp. A way out of the crisis? Constitutional Courts as instruments of intra-executive conflict resolution. International Postgraduate Conference on Central and Eastern Europe, London, 15. - 17. Februar.

Köker, Philipp. Presidential Activism in Central and Eastern Europe: How Presidents' Background and Perception Shape the Use of their Powers. BASEES Annual Conference, Cambridge, 31. März - 2. April.


Köker, Philipp. The role of president-related factors in influencing the activism of Post-Communist presidents. ISPP Networking Conference, Budapest, 25. - 27. November.